Energy Addicts

“Energy Addicts.” Naomi Kizhner Design. Naomi Kizhner, n.d.  Web. 1 Nov. 2014.!final-project–energy-addicts/c7q0

Designed by Naomi Kizhner, “Energy Addicts” is a project that explores a future struggling in the face of depleted resources. Her invented devices imagine a solution to this. Constructed out of gold with sharp needle points, the biopolymer pieces seek blood as a fuel source. Kizhner’s creations play with the idea of biological wealth and the concept of using one’s own body as a power source.

These designs certainly succeed at getting a reaction out of their audience. They appear as dainty pieces of gold jewelry, until the viewer realizes they are actually embedded in the wearer’s skin. The project is startling and makes viewers think seriously about energy consumption, putting it into the context of their own body. What if your blood was required to power technology, as illustrated in Kizhner’s video? How much energy would be wasted with those consequences?

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